Ikhlas had a very productive March and April, traveling all over the country by train to attend a multitude of meetings and conferences. Here are her diaries!
6th March 2024 — Stevenage
Going to GSK Stevenage from Glasgow proved challenging as train delay meant that I made friends with Newark Northgate station for an extra 4 hours. The Conformational design in drug discovery meeting itself involved great discussions about protein and drug conformations and the need for further exploration to optimise drug design. Our ChemRxiv pre-print was a hit with the crowd which results were showcased in the poster titled “Ion mobility mass spectrometry unveils conformational effects of drug lead EPI-001 on the intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain of the Androgen Receptor”.
13th March 2024 — Nottingham
Another long journey to Nottingham this time to attend the 11th Analytical Biosciences Early Career Researcher Meeting, and thankfully no train issues this time! Nottingham = an obligatory visit to Nottingham caves and Nottingham castle for some Robin hood history. I was the first speaker of the meeting with the talk titled “Ion mobility mass spectrometry insights into dynamic protein complexes and conformations”, which nicely showcased different ways to use nMS for protein studies. The talk regarding gut health and the lack of research in this area was fascinating.
Time for a quick game of Where’s Ikhlas? in the group photo taken outside Nottingham Trent University below…
Part of my train journey to back to Glasgow was cancelled as expected, but I was able to make it back (on time) thanks to some quick thinking, train schedule searching, and trusty google maps!
7th April 2024 — Leeds
As expected, the journey to the 2024 Astbury conversation started with yet another cancelled train! The two day conference had a variety of speakers discussing the theme of illuminating life. My poster titled “Ion mobility mass spectrometry unveils conformational effects of drug lead EPI-001 on the intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain of the Androgen Receptor”, which you’ll notice is the same poster as the GSK meeting, however this time the audience included native mass spectrometry specialists which helped generated different discussions compared to GSK meeting.
Finally, the game of Where’s Ikhlas? continues with an audience photo from Leeds…